Most common mistakes made with PPC



1 Use homepage as landing page Always take clickers to a well crafted landing page , distinct from the company homepage
2 Don’t bid enough to secure a top spot choose search terms and manage bids in such a way that you’ll consistently appear in one of the top three spots
3 Don’t make your adcopy specific Be specific and unique in your ad copy. If you have got patented or otherwise unique feature , particular market or application expertise , unusually friendly return policies , or something else that sets you apart , this is the place to mention it.
4 Don’t align your landing page with searchers’ keywords make sure your landing pages stay focussed o n the key words which bring clickers there in the first place (you may have several landing pages , simply to ensure keyword flow). you’ll increase clicks , increase conversions and as a result , increase ROI.
5 Dont bother with testing test , test and test . Its easy to do and with a bit of focussed attention , you can improve your results dramatically.